Brick Making Machines
"Blend of Quality & Service"

It is used for constant feed of prepared clay and speed can be controlled.The construction is in steel which is rigid and can be assembled at flat foundation.
Length = 4.88m
Width = 1m
Height = 1m

This is used to crush any stone particles along with the clay fed by the box feeder.
The shell of the crusher is made up of highly wear resistant steel and housed in a steel structure for rigidity.
In addition, it has a provision for gap adjustment and overload safety cups are provided.
Also,the steel scraper can be adjusted from outside.
The following sizes of crushers are available:
OD = 450mm, Width 500mm
OD = 600mm, Width 500mm
OD = 800mm, Width 600mm

It is used for final grinding of the incoming clay to obtain better quality bricks.
The shells are made of special alloy cast iron.
Provision for gap adjustment, Overload safety cup and steel scrappers are provided.
The different sizes available are:
OD = 450mm, Width 500mm
OD = 600mm, Width 500mm
OD = 800mm, Width 520mm
OD = 1000mm,Width 600mm

It is used in the preparation of clay to obtain better quality of bricks.
This is of double shaft type.
Size: Total length=3170mm, inner width= 780mm, height =600mm

These are used to carry clay from one operation to another in the brick making process.
Good quality rollers and drums are used.
The conveyer belt is made of nylon 8mm thickness, three ply for better life.

The enclosure is heavy robust sheet steel construction and for de-airing a vacuum chamber is provided.
Heavy gear box is used for clay extrusion&electronic drive for motor is provided.
Moreover, the die through which the clay bar is coming out can be delivered as per customer’s requirement.
A hinged extruder barrel is provided for easy maintenance of work.

We supply Pneumatic/Mechanical cutting table which can be easily maintained.
The product can be cut to the required length from an endless clay column coming from the extruder.
Customers logo can be embossed on the final product.

Latest technology is incorporated for better monitoring of entire operation

Those customers who are in need of automation for their clay brick production line, we supply gripper.
This is fully automatic brick pallet STACKER